Unless you ask them.
They have 80% of the information you need to succeed.
What works… what doesn’t:
– Relationships
– Business
– Dealing with financial challenges…
Old people did all that long before you did, and their conclusions are clearly laid out in their minds.
I’m talking about practical, solid knowledge, things that you can use right now, not bogus quotes on Facebook.
Old men don’t know anything about fashion and the latest LOLcats social media trends, but they have valuable data in store.
Save time and steal their insights.
They’re generally glad to share it anyway, and they won’t charge.
Of course, marketers don’t want you to do that, they’d rather sell you a book, or an online course.
Western society has been busy increasing the gap between the old and the young, just because it’s convenient:
now people feel they have to purchase the knowledge they could get for free.

Khenchen Rinpoche in NYC
If you find it corny to tap into old people’s life experience, you can still ask GOOGLE, but search engines are packed with guys anxious to sell you their answers. And they’re your age, they don’t know more than you do (I’m probably your age).
Your presence on this website proves that you know you can’t figure out everything on your own, the good thing is there’s enough old men who’ve done what you’re doing now: building a successful life.
They came out with real answers.
You shouldn’t waste time on this blog. Instead, spending an hour with a retired CEO would be a good thing to try.